These days virtual is essential.
The national nursing shortage: It’s all about supply and demand.
Healthcare across the United States is experiencing a perfect storm of challenges where the patient population is growing rapidly while at the same time the pool of nurses is decreasing. What’s more, healthcare research suggests nursing supply will not meet patient demand again until after 2033. Zenova Virtual Nursing is a force multiplier bringing seasoned nurses to your patients in just minutes.
Many patients that go to the ER do not need to.
Zenova brings ER expertise directly to the patient, in order to safely make treatment and triage decisions, intelligently matching the appropriate resources to meet the patients clinical needs.
Zenovators Unite
Right now across the country there are countless partners who have partnered with Zenova to improve care quality and efficiency. Together we have brought calm to the chaos. Together we are Zenovating our way to a new future.
“Zenova’s Virtual Nursing has been a life-saver when it comes to maintaining compliance in both medical and mental health sick calls. With ongoing staffing shortages, this service is invaluable as it relates to maintaining all required sick call standards.”
“I can’t stress enough – the collaboration, the teaching that goes on with the clinicians…the process is easy.”